Three Must Knows For Brand Design

You know those brands that grab your attention? The ones that have the coolest packaging, social feeds and websites? The ones you just can’t get enough of, that make you go, “Oh! These guys really get me.”? That my friends, is branding done well! It’s branding we want for your businesses, so we’ve prepared a little gift for you.  

We’ve compiled a list of ‘Must Knows’ when it comes to the brand design process. These three items are an essential part of what creates a brand that stands the tests of time and builds lasting connection and loyalty with consumers.

Branding is an initial investment that adds ongoing value and a powerful presence to your business. Developing this important element of your marketing can be a defining moment in your success. Take the time to create a remarkable visual identity. It is a marketing game changer! 


Three Must Knows For Brand Design

1. Your brand is not about you.

Your business’s brand is not a place to showcase your favourite colours and fonts. Your visual identity is for your target audience. When creating and designing your brand, do a pulse check on those you serve. 

WHO is my target audience? Think of your hero avatar. That ideal customer. Who are they and where are they? What problems are they currently experiencing that your brand can solve?

Of course you want to create a visually interesting and impactful brand but your brand development must also be built on strategy. Typefaces, colours, icons and taglines are carefully considered and strategically chosen with your target audience in mind. 

2. A comprehensive visual identity builds recognition and trust. 

By creating an extensive brand identity, building and growing brand recognition amongst your audience beccomes a whole lot easier! Remember, your brand is not a singular logo. By having a brand package that includes a primary logo, secondary logos, submarks, additional branding, and patterns you are able to create a cohesive and exciting experience for your customers. 

With a robust visual identity, your brand is able to show up in a variety of ways without sacrificing audience recognition. In addition, consumers appreciate the efforts and attention to detail invested in building a strong brand presence, which garner loyalty and support. 

3. Creating an impactful brand is a process that requires a partnership.

Creating a strong visual identity takes time. The indepth research and strategy a professional design team undertakes sometimes isn’t enough.Quality feedback and revisions are essential and ENCOURAGED in creating a brand that works for YOU, connects with your audience and performs well in your industry. 

Your ultimate end game is walking away with a visual identity that you are excited and proud to use. Providing a detailed story of your brand, industry and the people you serve during discovery and providing revision direction allows a design team to create branding that hits the mark!


To learn more about Media Shop Collective’s Branding projects, check out our case studies.


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